
Pic: ActionVance, Unsplash

The Resources page provides essential documents, toolkits, and guides to support organizers in planning and executing successful Local Conferences of Youth (LCOYs) that align with YOUNGO's principles and empower youth climate action.

Fundamental Resources.

LCOY Toolkit v1.0

The LCOY Toolkit is a comprehensive guide created by YOUNGO to assist organizers in planning and executing successful Local Conferences of Youth (LCOYs). It covers fundamental aspects of LCOYs, objectives, program structure, finances, promotion, team coordination, outputs, and best practices.

The toolkit aims to empower and enable young people to take climate action at local, national, and regional levels while preparing them for UN climate negotiations.

Published: 15th March, 2021

YOUNGO LCOY Policy v3.0

The LCOY Policy is an official document that outlines the guidelines and procedures for organizing local youth climate conferences (LCOYs) under the YOUNGO umbrella. It covers the general policy, request and approval process, requirements for approved LCOYs, defining principles and minimum requirements, as well as frequently asked questions. The policy aims to ensure consistency and adherence to YOUNGO's principles while empowering youth action on climate change at local, national, and regional levels.

Adopted: 28th February, 2019

Creative Resources.

LCOY Visual Identity Guide v1.0

The LCOY Toolkit is a comprehensive guide created by YOUNGO to assist organizers in planning and executing successful Local Conferences of Youth (LCOYs). It covers fundamental aspects of LCOYs, objectives, program structure, finances, promotion, team coordination, outputs, and best practices.

The toolkit aims to empower and enable young people to take climate action at local, national, and regional levels while preparing them for UN climate negotiations.

Published: 11th November, 2021

LCOY Social Media Toolkit

The LCOY Policy is an official document that outlines the guidelines and procedures for organizing local youth climate conferences (LCOYs) under the YOUNGO umbrella. It covers the general policy, request and approval process, requirements for approved LCOYs, defining principles and minimum requirements, as well as frequently asked questions. The policy aims to ensure consistency and adherence to YOUNGO's principles while empowering youth action on climate change at local, national, and regional levels.

Published: 5th June, 2022