Frequently Asked Questions

Pic: Jake Nackos, Unsplash

You Asked. We Answered.

Regarding your Participation in one of the COYs

How can I attend one of the COYs?

Is there funding available to cover my participation in one of the COYs?

Regarding the LCOY Procedure

What is LCOY?

How can I attend one of the COYs?

How can I attend one of the COYs?

How can I attend one of the COYs?

How can I attend one of the COYs?

How can I attend one of the COYs?

How can I attend one of the COYs?

How can I attend one of the COYs?

How can I attend one of the COYs?

Is there funding available to cover my participation in one of the COYs?

Regarding YOUNGO

I am curious about YOUNGO and want to get involved: what shall I do?